Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Romeo and Juliet responce

This is an excerpt from act 2 scene 2 pg. 71 5th paragraph. To me this whole paragraph makes an important statement, but two lines in particular stick out to me. Those two lines are saying that What matters is what something is, not what it is called. This is said by Juliet. Juliet is saying that the name Montague isn't an arm or a leg or a face or anything important for that matter. A Montague is a just a name and nothing more.
She then goes on to question what a name is anyways. She makes a point that a rose would smell just as sweet if we called it by any other name and that Romeo would be just as perfect even if he wasn’t called Romeo. I think this quotation is important because it says, that just because someone or something has a certain name, it doesn’t mean that that person or thing will be any less of what they are. For example, if my name were changed to maria it wouldn’t mean that my attitude would change. I would still always act like I do today.
This quotation also says no to discriminate a person because of what their name is. For example, whenever a Capulet heard of a Montague they immediately assume that their bad people. Same goes for montaques. That isn't a good way of living life.

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